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Ageless Program By Louise Annette

Ageless Program By Louise Annette

Smoker, 53, ditches anti-ageing creams in favour of a 'DIY facelift' that involves pulling a series of funny expressions - and claims she looks younger than ever • Louise Griffith, 53, was once a sun bed user and heavy smoker • But she started noticing wrinkles and sagging skin in her late thirties • She developed a range of 'funny faces' to help her skin looking youthful • They involve working the muscles around your cheeks and mouth By Published: 10:59 GMT, 15 April 2016 Updated: 11:48 GMT, 15 April 2016. Louise, a lecturer who lives with her husband Mark, 57, an academic, said: ‘I think I look younger than most women my age now. I smoked more than 20 a day for 25 years and still smoke a bit, my diet is nothing special' Day two involves five more exercises which stretch the skin on the neck, sharpen the jaw line by making funny faces and tackle crows’ feet by pulling the skin around the eyes. Each of the simple routines, which take just two minutes a day to complete, should be carried out at least once a week for optimum results. Louise, a lecturer who lives with her husband Mark, 57, an academic, said: ‘I think I look younger than most women my age now.

‘I smoked more than 20 a day for 25 years and I still smoke a bit, my diet is nothing special and I drink alcohol, but I do these exercises a few times a week. Each of the simple routines, which take just two minutes a day to complete, should be carried out at least once a week for optimum results - and Louise says she looks 'younger than most women my age now' ‘I started seeing results very quickly - they have given me the shape of my face back. I look like myself again and I feel much more confident.’ Louise’s skincare routine now involves her washing her face with Johnson’s baby wash every day and drinking a litre of coconut water - because she likes the taste. She also eats a lot of tomato soup, drinks plenty of beer, smokes two cigarettes a day and goes on sunbeds every now and then. Louise, who worked as a gardener and has now published a book on her age-defying secrets, added: ‘In effect your bed springs are getting worn out. Wordperfect Calendar Template. ‘Instead of addressing the problem, you are putting fabric conditioner on the mattress.

Ageless if you dare force of nature. About Facebook Instagram. A face can put out its own force. It can carry itself high on your bones, it can be expressive, it. This might actually be the 'fountain of youth'. It is a program developed by a lady named Louise Annette. When I purchased the program a year or so ago I got a book and a dvd (only available online) but I think she is updating the program and will be releasing the updated materials soon. If you google her name and 'Ageless if you Dare' you.

Louise says she eats a lot of tomato soup, drinks plenty of beer, smokes two cigarettes a day and goes on sunbeds every now and then - but she has ditched the excesses of her youth ‘As soon as you start using these muscles, it’s like when you go to the gym. ‘You see improvements straight away and you will certainly see a real change after a few weeks.’ Louise says she was first inspired to make a change when she was invited to a wedding and was determined to look lovely - but had black bags and wrinkles to contend with. ‘I was aware I was looking very tired and I had clearly got older. People were actually not recognising me,’ said Louise. ‘I had given up on my appearance. I thought I was never going to look half way decent again, but I really couldn’t face looking bad at my cousin’s wedding. Day one - The facelift 1.

Imagine a broad diagonal line drawn from the corner of your mouth to your temple. Grasp it between your fingers and thumb. Move the corners of the mouth towards the temples along the imaginary stripes. Repeat 20 times, saying, ‘delighted to see you’ each time, to stretch the skin. Louise said: ‘This simple exercise lifts everything up and outward towards the temples in the same direction as a facelift. ‘It pulls the outer corners of your mouth up and pulls it all upwards - it’s almost like a guy rope hoisting your face in that direction. ‘Don’t underestimate the knock-on effect this has on everything below it.’ Day two - The kiss 1.