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Clare Furnace Serial Number

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In addition to AMRE Supply, Temperature Supply (temperaturesupply.com) advertises Clare Brothers parts, and a furnace ignitor that may be used with a Clare furnace is available at The Ignitor Store (theignitorstore.com). Clare's previous parent company, ICP, can provide additional guidance. ICP is on the web at ICPUSA.com and can be.

Posted: 3:20:50 AM it is in the workshop. Since I last talked with you guys I went from working full service Hvac/plumbing to just dealing with plumbing stuff. I will have to pull my notes at the office on this thing, cause my guys have been struggling to keep the pilot lit. It doesnt bother me, but then i dont work out in the shop/garage area ever. But listening to them complain is silly. Since it is older it is hard to even find hvac guys who know anything about this brand of hanging furnace. Posted: 9:44:18 AM A good carrier dealer in Calgary is Air Pro, down near Chinook Center.

Prior to my life as a IT guy, I worked in HVAC and I trust that company. They'll give you the straight up information. Keep in mind that old buckets like those Clare's are extremely inefficient and if being used regularly should be replaced. Replacement could be inexpensive, but it would depend on whether you're venting with B vent (which I assume). Use caution with those old machines too. It's a CO risk. If you need any more information, just mail me.