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Crack Serial Cracks Hk P30


I feel compelled to report an issue that is plauging the FNP series of pistols. I bought an FNP-9mm at the end of October last year. I had the gun for 11 days of so and fired 300 rounds when I noticed that the gun would sometimes FTF on double-action shots.

Crack Serial Cracks Hk P30

Well, I broke the pistol down and I notice that the trigger group has cracked. This obviously upset me, but I went back to the shop, and they sent it back to FN for me. Fast forward 2 months to 2 days ago.

I get a brand new replacement pistol. A whole new gun instead of the other one being repaired. Well, I'm happy, and I go out and buy a 20 dollar set of 9mm snap caps to use while dry firing. I've read the manual 4 times now and there is nothing in it about dry-firing being harmful to the pistol.

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I dry-fire all of my guns because it is a cheap way to practice trigger control and I know I'm not alone. Well, on the second day of having it back, I dry-fried it without a snap cap in the chamber.twice. On the second time, I heard a pop that was louder than the noise made by the hammer dropping, so I took it apart and what do I see? Yep, another cracked trigger pack. This is ridiculous. I had ZERO rounds through this gun!

Not a single one. This problem is not isolated to just myself either. At least 4 other FNP owners on the FN forum have had this same thing happen.

In The Heights Vocal Selections Pdf Download. This makes 5 guns in all. The ones documented have also failed with an extremely low round count of about 300 or so rounds. Also, the guns reported were manufactured in 2007. The 2006 guns seem to be the ones with the high round counts and intact trigger groups. Argolis Smart Reader Executive. Anyway, I will not be getting another replacement FN.

I could go out and buy a hi-point pistol and bet on it not busting its own trigger group. Any reccomendations on what to replace it with? I'm thinking about an M&P or PT-92. I think I've narrowed the problem even further.

It appears that the rear of the magazine acts as an essential support for the trigger group. When dry fired without a magazine in the gun or a snap cap in the chamber, the trigger group cracks under the force of the hammer falling. The hammer falls onto a metal block upon firing, that's obviously quite fine. What isn't fine is the frame that houses the metal block. The frame is very thin on the right side of the hammer block and on both of my P9's, the crack in right in line with the face of this hammer block.

I will see if the gun shop will take it back and either give me my money back, or give me store credit towards another gun. I really feel bad for the guys at the shop because the pistol was at the factory longer than anticipated so I was in there several times to pick up the gun when they didn't have it. Now I've broken another gun in the same way. Anyway, the manual does not address dry firing, much less dry firing with the magazine removed.

I've done this with other guns and I've had no problems until now. Sorry for your misfortune there rugerdude. I have an FNP 40 that has eaten many rounds (2000+), it just seems to get better and better for me.

I have dry fired that pistol a few times on a few occasions, haven't encountered any ill effects. I don't know what the odds are in getting two lemons, one right after the other, but I should hope that FN isn't having QC problems.

It would be a shame to have this pistol series go to the dogs. Wow Ulduar Patch Notes. Hope you don't run into anymore lemons.

I've seen a few myself. Guess that is just how it is. Mass production will always have it's share of errors in QC.:(. Well, this was really upsetting to me when it happened. I really felt like I was somehow being an idiot with it and that it was my fault.

Seriously, two lemons in a row?!?! How crazy is that? I know FN makes quality products and that they aren't personally trying to give me a bad gun but jeez. I feel like chances are good that if I get another FNP that it would work, but if it didn't I'd look back and go Hmmmm.the signs were all there now weren't they?

Well, I talked with the guy at the shop I bought it from, and he was as shocked as I was. I told him what I did with it to the letter and he was as suprised that it broke again as me, so that was a big relief. Anyway, he said if I took it in, he'd swap it out right there for one with night sights and I said I didn't think I wanted another FNP and he told me he'll give me what I paid on it towards another gun in the store,a nd if they didn't have what I wanted, they'd order it. So I thanked the guy and left. He was extremely nice about the whole thing and I'll definitely be buying from that place again.