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When you first pick up the outfit It feels balanced and surprisingly lightweight, but pull back on the rod and there’s a huge reserve of power. This combo is ideally suited to top-water fishing in New Zealand. The S-Extreme 80TN rod will handle lines to PE6 and the Saltiga 5000 reel holds plenty of PE5 or 6 line.
The review reel was loaded with around 300m of eight-ply Daiwa AccuDepth 0.35mm braid with a nominal breaking strain of 40kg. The reel is all class. It’s packed with features, including a mag-sealed body, Zaion composite rotor and carbon-hybrid spool to save weight. Compared to previous generation Saltiga reels or larger 6500 models, it’s a relative lightweight (600g). The Saltiga S-Extreme 80TN rod is a two-piece, high-carbon casting tool engineered to throw lures of between 30 and 100g in weight with an action skewed towards stick baits rather than poppers. There’s a reasonable amount of give in the tip, which allows the angler to effectively ‘sweep’ the eight-foot (2.44m) rod to get stick baits working at their best.
S-Extreme rods utilise ‘bias-wrap’ construction, wrapping the latest graphite composites diagonally around the core of the blank, which features ‘SSG’ (super multi-strand graphite) with special composites. Singer 460k73 Manual. The design eliminates twisting and provides better casting performance and superior hook-sets. The result is a slim, lightweight, two-piece rod fitted with premium Fuji silicon-carbide K-guides for optimal casting and tangle-free performance. The guides minimise any impact on the rod’s action and quickly and efficiently dissipate heat generated by line friction, while their unique design greatly reduces the incidence of line wrapping around the guides or the tip.