Omega Trust Prosperity Programming
PROSPERITY PROGRAM(S). Explanation of the St. Germain Trust, Global World Settlements, Prosperity Programs and. The Farmer Claim Program. Gillian on Omega Prosperity Packages URGENT. Omega Trust was a fraudulent US. Paragon Hfs For Windows Crack Disk. Anyone here remember the Omega Prosperity Program? Omega Prosperity Packages URGENT!!!! This is for distribution for the OMEGA. Anyone here remember the Omega Prosperity Program? Or maybe here: Prosperity Programs Review from Hobie - The Rumor Mill News Reading Room. About the 'Prosperity.
RUMORMILLNEWS, HOBIE In Response To: Reader question: What are Global Settlements/Prosperity Programs? (MrFusion) Hi, Mr.F and Reader john - After all this time, I'm still fuzzy on what's being referred to when folks speak of 'Global Settlements'. But I know a thing or two about the 'Prosperity Programs', so let's go there.

One or two paragraphs won't really do it - but I'll try not to write like the other sites you've been reading. What Poof and Casper are talking about is what have come to be referred to collectively as the 'prosperity programs'. The term is not entirely accurate because not all those programs are the same in their operation or even in their expected outcome. 'Farm Claims' is based on a judicial judgement. 'Freedom' may have involved a 'roll trade'. But in general, all programs were closed to new members in 1999 or in one case in 2002.
In each case that I'm aware of, folks were invited to participate by word-of-mouth. In at least some instances, participation was by 'loaning' a certain amount of money per 'unit'. In at least one instance, a $100 loan per unit was required, with a promise that, at some time, at least $5100 per unit would be returned. In some instances, the program in question was represented as involving a 'roll trade' program, something not usually open to the general public (especially in America) and requiring a substantial sum (millions) in order to engage in such an activity. Thus, it would make sense for lots and lots of small amounts to be ganged together in order to enter a 'roll trade'.
To the best of my knowledge to date, only the Freedom program really did involve a 'trade'. Certain others, including I believe Alpha, Omega, and Destiny, and possibly others, were all the 'front face' for a larger program which has no name of its own, referred to by Poof on occasion as 'the mother', which involves disbursal of wealth from a very old trust - possibly three trusts, now. 'Freedom' apparently was devised by Bush, Sr., and Kissinger, and somehow they had arranged things so that no other program could pay out before Freedom paid out. Thus whoever controlled Freedom controlled them all ('one ring to bind them.' This is why Casper has referred to 'freedom packs'. However, I'm advised those two are no longer in control of Freedom, and Freedom will pay out at the same time as all the others (70 or 80 programs total, I think).
Tommy Buckley's Green Light program is often reasonably thought of as a 'prosperity program', but it's of a different sort. It's expected it will pay a few weeks after the primary programs do.
Clyde Hood, Mike Kodosky, and a few others, who headed up enrollment of participants into the program called Omega, were rather famously brought to trial in Illinois in 2001, mostly during the summer, and either entered guilty pleas or were found guilty on charges of fraud. The claim was that they had collected money on promise of particular returns, and that the returns were never coming. (We reported on that at the time - search the RMN Archive with 'All' keywords 'hobie omega trust trading' and you should find most of the posts.) 'Whistleblower' (David Crayford) of the OITC, whose posts have appeared here on occasion, and also David Sale, also of the OITC, have said they do not expect any of the programs will ever pay out. Their reasoning is that if the programs were based on misallocated funds actually part of the Collateral Accounts, any proceeds would go right back into the Collateral Accounts - and/or, if there's no legal and binding documentation for the programs (which, apparently, there isn't), then they must be scams and the money's long gone. Economic journalist Christopher Story not infrequently stated that Omega particularly was a 'CIA Ponzi scheme', though he never offered visible substantiation for that assertion.