Patch Captain Tsubasa Pes 2009 Utorrent

Minimum System Requirement: Prosesor: Minimum dual core (Recommend core2duo) VGA: Minimum Gforce 6600 atau ATi Radeon X1300 RAM: Minimum 512MB (windows XP) atau 1GB (windows 7) Support Windows XP / Windows 7 32 dan 64 bit Oke kalau udah didownload di Extract, Run program Pcsx2nya pilih Configuration lalu sesuaikan setting kamu seperti gambar dibawah ini, jangan lupa set Plugins dan Biosnya yang udah ada di dalam Folder Plugins dan Bios, atau kalau kamu mau yang terbaru bisa cari di mbah google. Setelah itu pilih CPU Config dan sesuai kan setting kamu dengan gambar dibawah ini Setelah itu pilih Speedhack dan sesuai kan setting kamu dengan gambar dibawah ini Setelah semua nya beres tinggal Run DVD Ps2 kamu, atau yang ingin memakai File ISO game Ps2 gunakan Ultra ISO untuk menjadikan DVD Ps2 menjadi file ISO, setelah di jadikan file ISO kini kamu tidak akan memerlukan DVD Ps2nya lagi^^ [Download UltraISO] Serial Ultraiso Premium User: Steve Olson Reg: 2BEC-ED28-82BB-95D7 Download Now Posted in .
Aug 9, 2016 - PES 2009 Super Patch 2016/2017 By Micano4u [Image: landscape--pes.jpg] - Last transfers 2016/2017 - New 2016/2017 kits - New face&hair 2016/2017 - Graphic PES 2017 to PES2009 - All Turfs HD - New boots and balls 2016/2017 - New Songs - New Scoarboard 2016 - and more.Missing.
PES 6 Captain Tsubasa Total Patch Beta Version Hello everyone. In case anyone does not know what this is about, I clarify that this is a beta version of a patch for Pro Evolution Soccer 6 with the characters of manga and anime Captain Tsubasa, called: Each of these teams has: – their uniforms made with the internal editor of the game; – their players with their faces and hairs inserted via kitserver; – their shields inserted via kitserver. Team List containing the patch: U20 WORLD CUP 000 – Germany U20 001 – Saudi Arabia U20 002 – Argentina U20 003 – Belgium U20 004 – Brazil U20 005 – Cameroon U20. Here it is a spanish version 2 of the Captain Tsubasa patch for PES2009 PS2, despite it is not at 100% it has more things than the previous patches I released for PES5 & PES6. Command To View Installed Patches For Letterman.
De Que Color Es Tu Paracaidas Libro Pdf Padre more. Content: – Mix of Premiership, Ligue1, Eredivisie and some german teams in teh place of the Ligue1, so original Premiership and Eredivisie are free to be completely edited. – In Premiership, I have created 20 School Teams of the 3er School Championship (Newteam, Toho, mambo).
In Eredivisie I haver created teams of the Road to 2002 series (Sao Paulo, Hamburgo Jr, Catalunya B), some of then not as the original, it’s true xD. – The professional teams, as Barcelona, Valencia, etc have players form the series, for example Rivaul is a Barcelona player, Santana a Valencia player, Naturezza a Real Madrid player, etc. – There are a lot of important players in the national teams (Schneider in Germany, etc). – Created supporter flags, kits and emblems for almost every new teams. – Changed the menu images by Tsubasa menu images, with a lot of them. – Changed the original soundtrack by a Tsubasa Series Music Mix, including musics of the 3 TV series.
– Most of the player faces and some of the stadiums have now “anime-looking”. – 3 Adidas balls created (or adapted) for the patch.