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Python Example Serial Port

Python Example Serial PortPython Serial Port Example

Jan 03, 2015 Although serial port has been around for a while, it is still very common as a way to communicate between computers and various electronic devices.

>>>ser = serial. Serial () >>>ser. Baudrate = 19200 >>>ser. Port = 0 >>>ser Serial ( port = 'COM1', baudrate = 19200, bytesize = 8, parity = 'N', stopbits = 1, timeout = None, xonxoff = 0, rtscts = 0 ) >>>ser. Open () >>>ser.

IsOpen () True >>>ser. Close () >>>ser. IsOpen () False Implementing the Simulator Module So, all we have to do is create a module called fakeSerial.py that will contain • a class called Serial() that can be initialized with various amount of arguments • a member variable of this class should be called name and return the name of a port. • a method called write( ) which receives a string and passes it to the fake Arduino • a method called read() which will read some number of bytes from the Arduino • a method called close() that closes the port and make all further operations with the Arduino impossible. • a method called isOpen() which will return True or False depending on whether the port to the fake Arduino is opened or closed.

• a method called readline() that will return characters until a n is found. Below is our first attempt at building this module. # fakeSerial.py # D. Thiebaut # A very crude simulator for PySerial assuming it # is emulating an Arduino. # a Serial class emulator class Serial: ## init(): the constructor. Many of the arguments have default values # and can be skipped when calling the constructor. Def __init__ ( self, port = 'COM1', baudrate = 19200, timeout = 1, bytesize = 8, parity = 'N', stopbits = 1, xonxoff = 0, rtscts = 0 ): self.

Name = port self. Port = port self.

Timeout = timeout self. Parity = parity self. Baudrate = baudrate self. Download Wifi Miracast Dongle Wireless Sharing Adapter Free Software there. Bytesize = bytesize self. Stopbits = stopbits self.

Xonxoff = xonxoff self. Rtscts = rtscts self. _isOpen = True self.

_receivedData = ' self. _data = 'It was the best of times. N It was the worst of times. N ' ## isOpen() # returns True if the port to the Arduino is open. False otherwise def isOpen ( self ): return self.