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Musou Orochi Z Save Game Editor. Cheat Codes, Cheats, Games Trainer, Cheatsbook, Hints The encyclopedia of game cheats. A die hard gamer would get pissed if they saw someone using cheats and.
General Information Quick Reference of Hotkeys - In-Game F5 Toggle lag defender on/off. (Removes lag box screen) F6 Use zerg mineral hack exploit on selected larva, hydralisk or mutalisk. Symphonic Choirs Vst Free more. Ctrl + F6Use zerg building recycle exploit on selected hatchery, lair, spire or creep colony.
F7 Carry out last build command on selected worker. (Useful for stacking maps) F8 Add/Remove unit for auto queue. Ctrl + F8Remove all units for auto queue.
F9 Toggle global auto queue on/off. Ctrl + F9Toggle subunit auto queue on/off. F11 Toggle elapsed timer mode forwards. Ctrl + F11Toggle elapsed timer mode backwards. F12 Toggle five-state stat hack forwards. Ctrl + F12Toggle five-state stat hack backwards.
~ / Alt Select all units of the same type that are currently selected. (Excludes workers) Ctrl + ~ / AltSame as above but is used for workers and loaded transports/overlords. Numpad 0Use the drone float exploit. (Continues as long as button is held) Delete Toggle in-game message log.
Ctrl + DeleteChange page for message log. Pause Pause/Resume game. Ctrl + F Find and select idle worker.
Ctrl + R Toggle auto repeat for any game action. (Move, upgrade, etc) Ctrl + H Command selected units to hold position. Insert Toggle three-state maphack forwards.
Download Free Software Principles Of Development Wolpert 3rd Edition more. Ctrl + InsertToggle three-state maphack backwards. - Lobby Page Up / DownDownload status spoofer.
(Increase / Decrease) Quick Reference of Commands - In-Game /unally [num] Unually player. (Useful for locked teams or once a player has left) /list Show a list of players in the game with player id and race. /xlist Show players who have used zerg mineral hack, nuke anywhere and/or rally point hack.
/kill Kill selected workers. /load Load selected units into transports/overlords. /rally Restore all rally points to default. /mining Display how much workers you have mining minerals.
- In-Game + Lobby /nuke Toggle nuke anywhere on/off. (Default: off) /autodropToggle auto-drop for zdrop/nuke/rally hackers on/off. (Default: off) /mh [num]Set maphack state. (1=off, 2=lite, 3=full) /sh Toggle selection hack on/off. /builda Toggle build anywhere on/off.
/warningToggle warning messages on/off. /apm Toggle on-screen apm counter on/off. /tclicks Toggle maphack target clicks on/off. /frepeat Toggle faster repeat on/off. (Used with Ctrl+R to speed it up) /automineToggle worker auto mine on/off.
/unitalertToggle unit alert on/off. /nukealertToggle nuclear missile alert on/off. /dropalertToggle dropship alert on/off.