Installing Fullsac Baffles

Video clip of a set of '06 Harley CVO mufflers fitted with a set of Fullsac 1.75' baffles. The vid includes idle, soft acceleration, hard acceleration and cruising speed, 55 up to 70 mph, clips. The bike is an '06 Harley FLTHP, stock 88 displacement, equipped with a set of Andrews TW26A cams, Vance & Hines Dresser Duals, a Screamin' Eagle Stage I air cleaner and a Screamin' Eagle Super Pro Tuner. Camera is a GoPro Hero HD, attached to the bike at the grab rail, just to the right of the license plate.:).

One thing I found out by experimenting with the different Dremel grinding wheels and rotary files: if used very carefully and lightly, the tiny cutoff abrasive wheels will do the trick in 5-10 minutes whilst using the edge of them like a grinder. Apartheid 1.0 Lxde I686 Iso on this page. I had to cut off the 'stingers' on the old stock baffles(can you say sawzall?) to get clearance at angles to allow the cutoff wheel to move around enough.
More Installing Fullsac Baffles videos. Video clip of a set of '06 Harley CVO mufflers fitted with a set of Fullsac 1.75' baffles. The vid includes. SO i picked up a set of 2012 CVO mufflers and man they are quiet. They are stock. So i wanted some of that.
Just be very careful not to undercut the muffler body, as these wheels cut very quickly. Another thing I did was to drill two holes in the top of my work bench that have the same spacing as the muffler mounts. Then run bolts from underneath to hold the mufflers while I worked. (towel, pad, or rag under front of muffs to prevent scratches). I suppose I could've built a jig like this to go in a vise, also. I found this very secure to prevent damage to the muff bodies and provide a stable working mount. Be sure and wear your safety glasses and remember you've got sparks and tender.