Download Kundli Software Hindi Free Full Version
Professional Free Kundli software in Hindi from Astro-Vision. Ideal for Astrologers and Astrology Students. Contains both calculations as well as predictions. This free kundali software also provides you a choice of chart formats, like, North Indian, South Indian, etc. This means you can generate Free horoscope reports according to your individual requirement. It includes a large database of cities from all over the world. So, you don't need to enter latitude, longitude and time zones of major cities.
Additional cities can also be added, making the list of cities fully customizable. Various ayanamsa settings are included in this Free Indian Astrology Software, such as Chitra Paksha ayanamsa or Lahiri ayanamsa, Raman ayanamsa, Krishnamurthy ayanamsa and Thirukanitham ayanamsa.It includes Panchanga predictions and detailed Bhava predictions based on the influence of planets on your character and life. Predictions in this free kundli Software covers analysis of the first house, for predictions on personality, physical structure, status. A brief prediction based on the effect of the current Dasa and Apahara is also given. It also calculates the birth star and also provides the entire list of associated star qualities.All charts, calculations and analysis provided in this Free Kundli software are based on Vedic Astrology. The dasa as well as dasa balance at birth is also provided along with the rasi chart.
Download kundli hindi software for computer for free. Home & Hobby software downloads - Kundli for Windows by Web King Technologies. And many more programs are available for instant and free download. Results 1 - 10 of 5075 - Latest Kundli software that works with Windows vista, XP and 7. For 64 bit plugin hosts Windows download kundli pro software full version in english. Avira antivirus window 7 Software details for Free Kundli Software - Professional Free Kundli Software in Hindi.
It also provides the bhava chart. The sudarshana chakra chart is also presented. A brief summary of Vimshottari Dasa Periods is given.

Details of the Dasa and Bhukti ( Apahara) periods are given with details of the arambha and anthya for each Bhukti ( Apahara) within each Dasa period. Also provides an analysis of the planetary disposition. Provides a brief mention of the effect a yoga can have. The combinations which resulted in the yoga are also given for easy reference. Download this Free Kundli Software right now!
'Kundli for windows, kundli 5.5, latest kundli version, vedic indian astrology' EditByBrothersoft: Kundli for Windows, the Worldwide popular, ancient vedic astrology software, with a simple and unique interface design, useful for all, whether a professional astrologer or an individual. Lagna chart, Planet positions, aspects, kundli matchmaker, various charts and calculations. The new Kundli for windows 5.5 version is now available with- - Better tools and calculations - Export facility - export any chart or report to PDF, jpeg, bmp format and send it by email or keep it for future reference. - Update Lattiude and Longitude databse - Better reports and predictions - windows xp / VISTA COMPATIBLE. Features: *General Predictions for various aspects of Life, e.g. Battleship Full Movie Tamil Dubbed Online here. , Business, Health, Marriage, Education, etc.

*Special Varshphal for unlimited period *Latitude/Longitude/time Zone. Database for over 20,000 places around the world *Storage of Horoscopes for future reference *Matchmaking Gunadosh Vichar *Different Aynamsa – N.C. Lahiri, K.P., B.V.
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Click below to Download. Now you can save a lot of money and time spent on getting Kundli Software programmed. Speeding up the process of Kundli making our high end Kundli software download will help you make calculations faster and speed up the process of astrological analysis giving you all the details needed in lightning fast speed. The pace at which it works does not compromise on the accuracy and quality of Janam Kundli / Prashna Kundli.
This automated system negates chances of human error in mathematical calculation. It’s been an age old practice to get Kundli made by a pandit who took a lot of time and money. Here it’s all for free and saves you money spent on Kundli Making.
This Kundli Software is at par with manual Kundli’s made by astrologers as it‘s based on the principles of Vedic Astrology. A birth chart also called as janam kundli, captures the precise astronomical positions of stars and planets at the individual's birth moment. Using the vast amounts of information provided by your birth chart, Vedic Astrology could predict every important event and possible opportunity that can arise in your life. Click on Kundli software download and generate your birth chart from date of birth, time of birth, time Zone and place of birth just as simple as this.