Futura Ce 200 Software Works For Windows Xp
May 14, 2015 Originally Posted by vbaker you may need to right click on the futura.exe, go to properties, compatibility, and choose to run it in compatibility mode for XP. It fails to work as it should. If the software worked. SINGER® FUTURA™ CE-100, CE-200. If your software is from the Windows XP era then. Sarah Brightman Diva Rar Files.

Hi txnana569, When you say you 'Cannot get windows7 to accept my Future CE200 embroidary machine software' are you saying that it 'wil not' install? If so then what sort of error messages are you getting? It may simply be that your embroidary machine software is not compatible with Windows 7. Have you checked the embroidary software manufacturer's website to see if it is compatible with Windows 7. In many cases drivers for Windows 7 are not available therefore the software fails either to install or, if it does install, it fails to work as it should. If the software worked fine on an older machine, say Windows XP (if it worked on Vista then it should work on Windows 7) another option is 'compatibility mode.'
The follow link will hep you with compatibility mode If your software is from the Windows XP era then compatibility mode is probably your best chance of getting it working other than buying (if available) a copy of the software that is Windows 7 compatible. This forum post is my own opinion and does not necessarily reflect the opinion or view of Microsoft, its employees, or other MVPs. John Barnett MVP: Windows XP Associate Expert: Windows Desktop Experience: Web:; Web:; Web:; Web.